Train to be an Adult Education Pre accredited Tutor starting on Friday, February 5, 9.30 am – 12 noon at the Gippsland Community and Education Hub  Dalmahoy Street Bairnsdale
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Train to be an Adult Education Pre accredited Tutor starting on Friday, February 5, 9.30 am – 12 noon at the Gippsland Community and Education Hub Dalmahoy Street Bairnsdale

Are you tech savvy? Looking for casual work? Sessional Tutors wanted in Adult Education Pre accredited Training in DIGITAL LITERACY. We are looking for people who feel they have the computer skills but need some help in gaining the skills and support in being a tutor. Dates: Friday, February 5, 9.30am – 12 noon. Duration:…

Getting into….Hospitality.  Starts Wednesday 22nd July 2015

Getting into….Hospitality. Starts Wednesday 22nd July 2015

This technology enabled course will give you a practical overview of what is involved in working in the hospitality industry. It will also involve a field trip to a restaurant or café to see what it is really like! Dates 5 sessions every   Wednesday starting 22nd July, and finishing on the 19th August Time 10am…

Tuesday Night Online Webinar Series

The Buchan Community Project Webinar Series Starts Tuesday August 27th 2013! Dates & Webinar Topics: AUGUST 2013 Tuesday August 27th at 8pm Introduction to Windows 8 Link to join the session: Presentation PowerPoint from the Webinar: Intro to Windows8 Links & Documents from the Webinar: Links from webinar windows-8-keyboard-shortcuts Link to the recording of…

Online Training Sessions 2013

Online Training Sessions To access online sessions please click on the Link. For further assistance.  How to access the online classroom. New session times.  We are now starting at 10 am – 11am Session dates and Details for November Thursday 7th Windows 8 Thursday 21st No webinars.  Staff attending Coverge13 Conference on elearning Session dates and…