The first known community planning process was conducted in Buchan in 1997. The Buchan Community Development Plan (Action Plan) was supported by State Government (Business Victoria), Victorian Eastern Development Victoria (VEDA) and EGSC via a successful grant of $10,000 for 1997/98 and a further $10,000 for 1998/99.
Prepared by Bruce Connolly in conjunction with Buchan and District Community Advancement Forum (BADCAF). The formation of Buchan Development Inc. was an outcome of this project and met to action the projects within this plan.
The project was initiated as a result of a community meeting held at the Buchan Hall in late 1996 to discuss the need for development in Buchan.
A small group consisting of three community members worked with VEDA to complete the project which included
- A community Workshop
- Development of a series of projects
- And the Appointment of working groups
Other outcomes included
- Business Plan (5 Years)
- Action Plans
- Marketing Plan
The Buchan Community Plan will create a cohesive community spirit and focus on the opportunities for long term sustainable development and employment in Buchan and District.
Directions for Local Economic Development in Buchan and District was based on the Clover leaf design identifying 4 separate spaces to the township of Buchan.
- The Caves
- Town centre
- The Bluff
- Recreation Area
The identified Projects were
Community Committee – Buchan Caves Reserve
Living Library
There is a short report about the details of this project that aimed to create local tour guides on the history, culture and environment to provide an attraction outside of the caves reserve.
Town Entrance – Welcome Sign feature
John Flynn House/information centre
Heritage Plan
Arts/craft development
Natural assets listing – Tourism
Expand tourism – backpackers
Walking tracks around township
Improved signage – internal/external
Limestone festival/promotions
Promotion Capital cities/media (particularly the Caves Reserve)
Swing Bridge –caves and bluff
Publicity/promotion – photos/historical No information
Historical trail – regional centre No information
Develop leadership local history/skills No information
Town look out top of the hill
Map of town direction No information
Promotion point – local talent No information
The formation of Buchan Development Inc
This group meet and drove the community plan from 1999 to 2003?
To see the full Planning Development and Strategy Plan Click here
To see the full Action Plan Click here
2020 outcomes review of the 1997 to 2005 Community Plan
Buchan Mill closes in 2001
2003 Fires impact the communities of Gelantipy and Seldom Seen
Community Phone Trees developed by the Neighbourhood House
Youth Group operating at the Neighbourhood House through a dedicated Shire Youth Officer
Dedicated Arts funding from EGSC via “Arts Network East Gippsland” for 10 hours per week in local communities including Buchan
Please provide feedback regarding the 1997 to 2005 Buchan Community Plan in the comments.